Volunteers are a vital part of our institution!

感谢您有兴趣帮助辛辛那提博物馆中心提供优质的服务, programs, and education for the community! Without this special group of dedicated people, 辛辛那提博物馆中心将无法履行其“激励所有年龄段的人通过科学更多地了解我们的世界”的使命, regional history, and educational, engaging and meaningful experiences.”

加入我们,了解如何成为我们团队的一员! 没有志愿者经验是必要的,只需要对我们提供的活动和项目有热情和强烈的兴趣.

Adult Volunteers

Our adult volunteers fulfill operations duties, including greeting, wayfinding, and coverage of the museums across all gallery spaces. 我们的志愿者协同工作,帮助辛辛那提博物馆中心的收藏团队, office team members and exhibits teams. Click here to find out more. Ages 18 +

Teen Volunteers

我们的青少年志愿者通过帮助在博物馆和售票队伍的前面迎接客人来履行游客体验的角色. 他们还在博物馆里帮助客人指路. Click here to find out more. Ages 16-17.

Youth Programs Volunteers

Our youth volunteers fulfill operations duties, including greeting, wayfinding, and coverage of the museums across all gallery spaces. 我们的志愿者协同工作,帮助辛辛那提博物馆中心的收藏团队, office team members and exhibits teams. Ages 13-18.

  • 成为辛辛那提博物馆中心梦幻团队的一员
  • 融入终身学习的环境
  • 免费进入所有永久CMC展览和进入国家地下铁路自由中心
  • Free parking
  • Discounts at food locations
  • 邀请选定的展览预览,特别活动和讲座
  • 专业发展、培训机会和工作经验

* Please note: for all positions, 志愿者必须参加一般培训并参加额外的部门培训. 志工被提供必要的工具和资源,成为青年计划成功的一份子.

  • Fulfill floor operations duties, including gallery interpretation and programming, coverage of the museums across all gallery spaces.
  • 代表辛辛那提博物馆中心和青年项目的信誉, curiosity, and a sense of radical welcome. 树立和维护客户服务和包容的最高标准, so that all Cincinnati Museum Center guests, 员工和其他青年志愿者感到受欢迎和参与.
  • 提供一套程序,包括但不限于支持跨画廊空间和各种主题(如科学)的体验的多学科画廊程序, history, early childhood development, and art. Ensure program presentations are credible, insightful, inspiring, 以及贯穿终身学习的有趣体验.
  • 参加专业的演讲技巧、展示和节目内容的培训.
  • 为员工、志愿者、客人和展品保持一个安全的环境. Being involved in safety training to ensure knowledge.
  • 与辛辛那提博物馆中心的其他团队成员合作, adult volunteers, teen volunteers, 青年志愿者和实习生为辛辛那提博物馆中心的游客创造一个有凝聚力和全面的游客体验.
  • 与学校项目发展部门合作并提供帮助 & Teacher Partnerships, Community Engagement & 节目,客人参与,和任何其他辛辛那提博物馆中心团队. 根据需要,为社区活动和博物馆项目提供交付支持.
  • Actively pursue information related to events, programs, guest service delivery, special exhibits, museum exhibits, and any other activities.
  • 主动发现改进过程或程序的机会,并与管理层合作进行必要的改变.
  • 积极参与初始和持续的培训,以确保服务的一致性和改进, hospitality, team building, 并向客人传达提供世界级服务体验和创造卓越服务文化的目标.
  • 为客人提供优质的服务,为客人提供指导和帮助, through general information, pricing information, programs/events schedule, etc.; help them plan their day for the most meaningful experience possible.
  • Other duties as assigned.
Additional Requirements & Working Conditions:
  • Must have reliable transportation.
  • 该职位在学年期间每月22小时,夏季每月42小时. Each shift is approximately 6 hours.
  • 工作日是在学年的周六和周日, and Thursday thru Monday during the summertime. A minimum of 270 hours is required per year.
  • 需要灵活性,以满足业务需求,包括晚上,周末和假期工作.
  • 有些日子需要快节奏的运动,可能对精神和身体都有要求.
  • 大部分时间都花在博物馆的地板上促进教育项目, interpreting exhibits, 并为各类客人提供优质的客户服务时刻.
  • 在主持节目或协助访客时,必须能够长时间站立或行走.
  • Must be able to lift 25 lbs.
  • 在团队环境中,所有改进的投入都受到赞赏,所有团队成员都相互支持.
  • Self-motivated and proactive; curious and able to learn new information quickly.
  • 能够在压力下保持冷静和平衡的反应.
  • 能够管理时间,以满足个人和事业的最后期限.
  • 协作,灵活,快速适应变化的环境.
  • 有信心和能力与来自不同种族的或大或小的群体交谈和互动, cultural, ethnic, gender, 以及敏感和积极倾听的世代背景.
  • Passion for working with guests; able to coach guests to explore their questions and make their own discoveries; comfort with operational details and ensuring safety through procedures.
  • Able to effectively communicate with staff, community partners, and guests of all ages and abilities through oral and written communications in an understandable and pleasant manner; able to learn and explain scientific and/or historical concepts in ways that are easy for guests and colleagues to understand.
  • 非常注重细节和对安全的承诺.
  • Will receive training in History, Science, Art, Early Childhood Development, theatre, customer service, or other related fields.
  • 3年以上节目、教学或表演经验.
  • 能够独立工作和团队合作. 能够在充满活力的环境中完成多项任务,并能在压力下良好地工作, constant demands, and frequent interruptions. This will help to prepare for college, job and career.


Academic success

学生学业上的成功是辛辛那提博物馆中心青年项目的基础. 虽然没有成绩要求,被接受的程序, 每位参加者均有良好的学术成绩. 学生必须达到学术要求,才能获得许多实地经验,并在项目中获得带薪职位. Through constant communication, 青年计划的工作人员要了解每个学生的学业成就. 而工作人员通常会从学生身上察觉到学业上的挣扎, 工作人员通常通过与学生的家长或监护人交谈来了解情况. 与学生家庭保持积极的关系,使我们能够在他们生活的各个方面成为一股持续的力量.

Why Youth Programs?

History at a glance
  • 1989: 由两名学生在辛辛那提自然历史博物馆创立.
  • 1993: Establishment of the YouthALIVE! program; focus turns from youth volunteer program to youth development program.
  • 1998: Expanded into The Children’s Museum.
  • 2000: Introduced into Cincinnati History Museum.
  • 2001: Reached a participant level of 150 students per year; renamed from the "Lab Rat" Program to Cincinnati Museum Center Youth Programs.
  • 2005: 在辛辛那提城市节拍的辛辛那提版中获得“解决青少年焦虑的最佳场所”奖.
  • 2006: Reached an alumni level of more than 1,500 students.
  • 2014: Celebrated 25th anniversary.

辛辛那提博物馆中心的青年项目始于1989年,当时两名青少年开始在辛辛那提自然历史博物馆做志愿者 & Science. Hundreds have gone through the program since then, 培养迎接来访者所需的知识和信心, interpret exhibits, and mentor others. 杰出的99%的青年计划毕业生继续进入四年制大学, 80 percent receiving scholarships or financial aid.

博物馆中心的青年项目旨在提高创造力, confidence, and success of its members. Through participation in workshops, field trips, college visits, volunteerism and other learning opportunities, 青年项目的参与者为在高中取得成功做好了充分的准备, college and beyond.

学生们可能在13岁就开始做志愿者——远远超过了儿童早期教育需求的年龄——并接受培训,对博物馆中心最年轻的游客产生影响. 青少年项目的参与者被教授幼儿理论, developing, 并向参观者进行教育示范. 通过训练我们的学生如何互动和教我们的年轻游客, 博物馆中心在其作为“社区早期儿童教育投资者”的角色中表现出色.”

Youth Programs academic success by the numbers
  • 100%: Participants who have graduated from high school
  • 99%: 参加过四年制大学的参与者(另外1%参加过技校或服兵役)
  • 80%: 获得某种形式奖学金的参与者,其中一些人获得了全额奖学金
  • Three: Participants named National Merit Scholars

在青少年项目中,对学术成功最有影响力的资源就是博物馆本身. 学生们在博物馆的各个领域接受深入的培训, 因此,补充——并且经常超越——他们课堂上的课程和期望. 我们有独特的机会向学生介绍科学领域的顶尖专业人士, history and child development. 接触这些专业人士和青年计划工作人员的持续支持,显然为每个青少年的学业成功提供了一个环境.

College preparation

青年计划的主要目标之一是鼓励参与者寻求进入高等教育机构. 许多项目的参与者都是第一代大学生. 青年计划的工作人员与青年一起工作,支持和授权他们参加他们选择的大学, despite cost, past grade record and any other obstacles. 这种对高等教育的奉献精神通过YouthALIVE的工作得到加强! 在辛辛那提博物馆中心提供额外的机会来发展工作技能, explore career and college options, and improve academic achievement. 活动对所有参与者开放,但旨在解决服务不足的青少年的独特需求, including those with financial, emotional and family-related issues.

除了青年计划的标准要求,YouthALIVE! participants attend additional workshops once a month. 这些工作坊包括大学和奖学金论文写作, money management and budgeting, goal setting and cultural diversity discussions. 青少年还会参加为期三天的大学校园参观活动, 春假体验,在三天内参观至少四所大学, 暑假期间去一个地方进行为期一周的大学和职业考察. 学生每年可以参观参加项目的八到十所大学. 这意味着他们在高中毕业前要网上赌搏网站十大排行多达32到40所大学. 这些旅行是免费提供给学生,并鼓励所有学生参加.

Application Information



For more information, please contact Youth Programs at

